Comparing Nutritional Values of 24 Different Cheeses

Written By: Gloria Tsang, RD

Title: Founding Registered Dietitian

Alumni: University of British Columbia

Last Updated on:

Ah, cheese. Whether served as a garnish, a topping, or paired with wine, cheese satisfies cheese lovers’ taste buds while adding a nutritional component, too. Understanding the different cheese categories and their characteristics may give you added confidence when navigating cheese counters and cheese shops. Here, we’ve compiled a list of 24 common cheese available and compared their nutritional values.

Nutritional Comparison of Various Cheese

The following table compares the nutritional facts of some cheeses based on 1 oz servings:

CheeseTypeCalories (kcal)Total Fat (g)Calcium (mg)Sodium (mg)
Mozzarella, part skim milkFresh724.5222175
Mozzarella, whole milkFresh856.3143178
Ricotta, part skim milkFresh392.27735
Table 1. Nutritional Facts of Different Types of Cheese

* Soft-ripened cheese

No two types of cheese are exactly alike, and the quality and flavor of many cheeses depend on skillful aging and appropriate storage. According to cheese expert Laura Werlin, author of Laura Werlin’s Cheese Essentials, cheese aging is reflected in its moisture content and may move a cheese variety from one category to another.

4 Common Cheese Categories

Cheese is categorized by texture; the following are the 4 common categories.

  1. Fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella, feta, and cottage, are unripened and have not been aged. Fresh cheeses have a high moisture content with a creamy taste and a soft texture. Cheeses in the “fresh” category have slightly lower calories than other categories, with the exception of mascarpone.
  2. Semi-soft cheeses are popular with cheese enthusiasts, and most soft cheeses are included in this category. Cheeses in the semi-soft category include colby and havarti and the average calorie count for a 1 oz serving is 101 kcal. Brie and Camembert are often included in the semi-soft category, but Werlins prefers to include them in their own category of “soft-ripened”. Werlins explains this is ‘because of their distinct flavors and texture’ and because of the white rind created around the cheese during ripening.
  3. Semi-hard cheeses (also called semi-firm cheeses) include the ever-popular cheddar, Swiss and Monterey Jack. Semi-hard cheeses are the most readily available at your local retailer since their shelf life is longer and, as Werlin suggests, “the relative lack of moisture in these cheeses tends to equate to comparatively mild aromas.” Semi-hard cheeses contain over 200 mg of calcium per 1 oz serving and, for the most part, have slightly higher calories compared to the other cheese categories.
  4. Hard cheese is a broad category of cheeses and may include textures that range from elastic at room temperature, to hard cheeses that may be grated. Hard cheeses have less moisture content and a lot of flavor added, reflected in the higher sodium content. They also have some of the higher levels of calcium per 1 oz serving. Examples of hard cheeses are Gouda, Parmesan, and Romano.


cheese, grocery aisle, nutrition facts, nutritional values


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2 thoughts on “Comparing Nutritional Values of 24 Different Cheeses”

  1. You list many cheeses except what I consider a quite common type, yellow or white American cheese. Unless it goes by another name, I don’t see that on the list and I am curious about that one too, a staple in my house!


    • the cheeses she listed are natural cheeses. American cheese is a processed cheese similar to velveta and cheese wiz


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