Pumpkin Seeds: Nutrition Facts and How-To

Written By: Sofia Layarda, MPH

Title: Master of Public Health

Alumni: University of California, Berkeley

Last Updated on:

Perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at something inside the pumpkin that often ends up in the compost bin – the seeds. Also known as pepitas, toasted pumpkin seeds are a popular snack in Mexico. While they are freshest during fall and winter, when pumpkins are in season, they can be found year-round in the nuts & snack section, or the bulk section of most grocery stores.

Pepitas are flat and typically dark green in color. When raw, they have a somewhat chewy texture and a subtly sweet flavor.

Nutritional Facts & Values of Pumpkin Seeds

1 oz of dried pumpkin seeds1 contains:

  • Calories: 158 kcal
  • Fat: 13.9 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3 g
  • Fiber: 1.7 g
  • Net Carb: 1.3 g
  • Protein: 8.6 g
  • Glycemic Index: 25 (Low)
Pumpkin Seeds Nutritional Facts and Glycemic Index GI values

Approximately 75% of the fats in a serving of pumpkin seeds are heart-friendly mono- and polyunsaturated fats. They are also a rich source of phytosterols2, which have powerful cholesterol-lowering properties. Why bother with fancy butter-like imitation spreads with added sterols when  phytosterols already exist in these tasty little seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in the minerals manganese and magnesium. Manganese is a nutrient involved in numerous metabolic processes and protection against oxidative damage, while magnesium plays an important role in bone health and cardiovascular health. In addition, pumpkin seeds are good sources of phosphorus, iron, copper, Vitamin K, and zinc. That’s a whole lot of nutrients packed into a tiny package!

Because of their nut-like flavor and fat content, pepitas make a beautiful substitute for nuts in recipes such as pesto when you are cooking for someone with a nut allergy. Although you can buy them at the store, it is fairly easy to save and roast your own seeds from your Halloween pumpkin so you can store them for future use. Once you get the seeds out of the pumpkin, give them a quick rinse and wipe to remove any pulp that stuck, then spread them out evenly on a paper bag and let dry overnight. The next day, lightly roast them in a single layer on a cookie sheet (170F for 15 to 20 minutes). Let cool, then store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Ideally, you should use them up within a couple of months.

Ways to Add More Pumpkin Seeds to Your Diet


HealthCastle has strict sourcing guidelines. We reference peer-reviewed studies, scientific journals and associations. We only use quality, credible sources to ensure content accuracy and integrity. 

  1. Nutritional information calculated based on data from the following:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central: Foundation Foods. Version Current: April 2024. Internet: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/food-details/2515380/nutrients ↩︎
  2. Kang, Xin-Cong et al. “Phytosterols in hull-less pumpkin seed oil, rich in ∆7-phytosterols, ameliorate benign prostatic hyperplasia by lowing 5α-reductase and regulating balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis in rats.” Food & nutrition research vol. 65 10.29219/fnr.v65.7537. 2 Dec. 2021, doi:10.29219/fnr.v65.7537 ↩︎


grocery aisle, healthy every month, pumpkin seeds


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