Golden Beets – A New Superfood – Nutritional Values and Health Benefits

Written By: Gloria Tsang, RD

Title: Founding Registered Dietitian

Alumni: University of British Columbia

Last Updated on:

I have written many times about the health benefits of beet and beet juice. However, not everyone is a fan. Aside from the earthy flavor, staining fingernails and bento-boxes are among the many reasons why this superfood is not frequently enjoyed.

Well, red beets actually have a superfood relative within the same family. It has similar nutritional values and health benefits, does not stain, and most important of all, it tastes better! It is yellow in color, and it’s mostly referred as golden beets!

Golden Beets Inside

Golden Beets Nutritional Facts

(1 cup cooked)

  • Calories: 59
  • Protein: 2.2 g
  • Carb: 13 g
  • Fiber 3.8 g
  • Net carb: 9.2 g
  • Fat: 0.2 g
  • Sodium: 106 mg
  • Potassium: 442 mg
  • Vitamin C: 11 % Daily Values (DV)
  • Iron: 6% DV
  • Glycemic Index: 64 (Medium)

Golden Beets vs. Red Beets – Different Taste

Most people describe red beets as earthy. Golden beets, however, are sweeter in taste, and milder and less earthy in flavor. For those who do not like the taste of red beets, there’s a good chance that they may enjoy golden beets.

Golden Beets Superfood

Golden Beets vs. Red Beets – Different Antioxidants

Nutritionally, the golden beet is quite similar to that of red beets. They have similar carbohydrate, fat and protein content and both are equally packed with potassium, a blood pressure-lowering mineral.

The main nutritional difference, however, is the type of antioxidants. The pigments that give beets their rich colors is called betalains. There are two basic types of betalains: betacyanins and betaxanthins. The red beet contains betacyanins pigments; golden beets contain betaxanthins. Despite a difference in structure, both betalains function both as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.

Golden Beets Also Have Nitrates

One of the main benefits of red beets is its high level of nitrates. It has been documented that nitrates in beets can act to enhance sports performance as well as lower blood pressure. The good news is that despite the color difference, golden beets also contain a similar level of nitrates. Whichever beet you choose, you will not lose out on health benefits of nitrates.

What’s unique in golden beets is the other nutrients commonly found in other yellow and orange vegetables. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, beta-carotene, flavonoid and zeaxanthin are also present in golden beets.

Promising Health Benefits of Eating Beets

While the benefits include lowering blood pressure and preventing dementia, the most talked bout health benefit of beets is its potential for athletic performance. A 2012 published study revealed that eating 200 grams of baked beets improved running performance and the average running speed in the last mile was 5% faster. Another 2011 study showed the effects of drinking 2 cups of beetroot juice on cycling performance also found similar improvement. Results showed that the average 4-km time trial was improved by 2.8% while the 16.1-km time was improved by 2.7%

How to Prepare and Cook Golden Beets

Golden beets are much easier to peel and creates less of a mess than the red varieties. Alternately, I always cook it with the skin on, and then peel after it’s cooked; it’s much easier than peeling when raw.

Both betalain pigments in beets are water-soluble so I do not recommend boiling them. Either steam or bake beets whole to preserve as much nutrient as possible.

  • To bake, set your oven to 375F (195C), wash your beets and then wrap them in aluminum foil. Depending on size, bake them whole for 45 to 60 mins. Check out my Instagram reel below how it turns out after baking.
  • To steam, set temperature (stove or steamer) to high. Wash and steam with skin on for 15 minutes. Poke beets with a fork to check doneness.

In addition, you can juice golden beets in a blender just like with red beets.

Cooking, Health

antioxidant, beets, betacyanins, betalains, betaxanthins, golden beets, golden beets nutrition, golden beets vs red beets, heart smart


What type of ground sugar do you use in cooking most often?

3-Ingredient Almond Butter Cookies

Beets: Health Benefits and How-To

8 thoughts on “Golden Beets – A New Superfood – Nutritional Values and Health Benefits”

  1. Hi Gloria, just a quick question about the Granola bar recipe with only three ingredients.
    The Coconut oil that you are adding to the recipe is it a Coconut oil like a regular oil?
    or a coconut oil that is white and a solid?
    Thank you for your time

  2. My husband has diabetes and high blood pressure my family needs a better diet do you have any recipes thst can help thanks Denise

  3. I recently started eating golden beats because I’m trying to lower my blood pressure. Though I don’t have an issue drink beat juice, I prefer the preparing the golden beats. I add them to salads or serve as a side dish. I’m hooked— I LOVE THEM! Tonight I had them as an evening snack.
    I prepare them with olive oil and some herbs and spices. I then spread them over a cookie sheet and roast them in the oven at 425 for about 20 minutes.
    I’m hoping this will truly help lower my blood pressure.

  4. I love red beets and love golden beets even more i cut into thin moon shapes and cook with olive oil red onion and rainbow chard or roast them in oven made beet chips and I’ve also made mashed beets! I love how colorful and nutritional they are i feel energized after eating them. I enjoyed ur article. Thanks

  5. I eat both colors of beets by fermenting them with peels on. Do I get similar health benefits, particularly the blood pressure benefits, without cooking them?

  6. I like using golden beets in beef stews and soups in place of potatoes. They are wonderful to use in the anti- inflammatory diet!


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