Written By: Sofia Layarda, MPH
Title: Master of Public Health
Alumni: University of California, Berkeley
Last Updated on:
As January approaches, the colder weather and shorter days combine and send us into “hibernation” mode. Before you know it, you need one more cup of coffee, a candy bar, or a can of soda for a little pick-me-up when your energy level slumps. Instead of band-aid fixes, consider some things you can do consistently in your daily life to get energized, and stay energized.
In the book Positively Ageless, author Cheryl Forberg, RD suggests a list of dietary and lifestyle choices to help prevent fatigue from ever invading your day.
Table of Contents
Try following these 5 simple guidelines to keep yourself energized throughout the day:
Fill your healthy living toolbox with these simple energy-boosting guidelines to stay jazzed and exhilarated throughout the winter season.
Tell Us: Do you have any energy-boosting tips?
Alumni: University of California, Berkeley – Sofia believes in bringing back fun and pleasure into everyday eating. She loves cooking, and is constantly experimenting with ingredients, creating recipes and trying them out on family and friends. Her latest interest lies in finding realistic and practical ways of environmentally-friendly food/eating habits.
beans, energy, fatigue, lentils, seasonal celebrations, whole grains